Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Best of the Best in Hometown, Texas

Today, our local newspaper published a section called "Reader's Choice: The Best of the Best". Area residents submitted their votes for businesses/people, etc. they deem the most worthy of recognition in certain categories. For example, the "award" for Best Family Entertainment went to the local bowling alley, followed by the movie theater. Some of the other Best awards included: Best Doctor, Best Fries, Best Builder, Best Italian Food, Best Funeral Home (Are you kidding me?), Best Hair Stylist (Mine did not make the list, so I must file a protest, because she is absolutely adorable and she keeps me from having a "brown helmet" hairstyle like Sally Field in Steel Magnolias.) and Best Oil Change, just to name a few. Big Joel and I had plenty of giggles at our own expense, as well as the members of our community. But the thing that made me laugh out loud, the best of the Best of the Best, if you will, were the "winners" in the Best Place to See and Be Seen category. Are you ready for this...
The Best Place to See and Be Seen in "Hometown", Texas (drum roll, please)
#1. Main Street Winery(not its real name, but if you're a stalker reading this, I don't want you looking me up)
#2. WAL-MART!!!!
So I ask myself, "Has it come to this? My social circuit revolves around Wal-Mart?" I admit that each Monday morning when I'm doing my shopping for the week, I keep a running list of People I See and Speak To, as well as People I See and Hide From. I text the totals to my friend Johanna, who understands my dark side, and knows that I'm not trying to be rude. I'm simply trying to avoid uncomfortable situations and also keep my milk from spoiling.
Then, the other question that comes to mind is, "If this is the place to see and be seen, why don't people take more care in their appearance? Like maybe, put in your false teeth and put on a bra?" I will concede that I am usually spotted in workout clothes. But that's to give people the illusion that I'm not only caring for the needs of my family, but that I'm also health conscious and have either just come from the gym, or plan to go there after I put away my groceries and before I start the afternoon carpool rounds. However, since I don't frequent the Winery, perhaps I should put a better foot forward when it comes to my public appearances. Maybe now that the word is out about Wal-Mart being the "hot spot" in town, paparazzi will be hiding in the produce section. Yes. Yes, I must remember to check my lipstick from now on...


Kimberly Carpenter said...

Too funny! Jonathan and I used to play a similar game when were out and about. We would each make our own prediction on how many familiar faces we would run into. He usually won. I would guess too low every time.

The Carters said...

I talked to my mom today and she was telling me about this article. I laughed so hard!!!

The Wise Family said...

You make me laugh every time I read your blog! For me it's trying to remember people's names when I come back to "Hometown." I think, "I should know you, shouldn't I?" And yes, it is always at Wal-Mart. Too, too funny!

Of course, now we live in a town half the size of "Hometown" and we can't go anywhere without running into someone we know. Ugh! Sometimes I think about going to the big city just to be able to shop (at Wal-Mart) anonymously!

Just Lisa said...

LOL! I guess I'm going to have to dress up a little more the next time I go to Wal-Mart... I might end up in the society page of my newspaper!

Happy SITS day!

cat said...

LOL! What a great post! With small children I often feel that my social life exists of bumping into people in the mall.

Lora said...

Ohhh my. I can relate. "Hometown" Indiana isn't much different...although the closest Wal-Mart is about 30 minutes away!

Found you on SITS...congrats on being the featured blogger!

Christy said...

Hmm...I used to live in Richardson and Plano, so I KNOW WHEREOF YOU SPEAK. I remember the Wal-Mart days, ah yes.....=) Happy SITS day

Gretchen said...

LOL that is too funny. Well, I guess if there's a place to "See and be seen" at least it has the lowest prices... Always. Oh, and a big smiley face too. That's always nice.

Bella@That damn expat said...

Coming over from SITS.

This post is hilarious! I feel for you. Coming from a town where Walmart is the place to be. That's just sad.

Jolene said...

Here from SITS..
That is hilarious, Walmart is thee place to be.
On a side note, I wear running shoes even though I never ever run! lol

Karen E. Hoover said...

That is hilarious! I'll have to pay a little more attention next time I'm visiting the local Wal-Mart. Congrats on being queen for the day.

Unknown said...

visiting via SITS. I am always interested to see who is shopping at "my" Wal Mart when they have one much closer to their own home. I believe they don't want people to see them there, so they come to "mine".

Eve said...

HAHAHAHA... it must be a small town thing! Both the town that I graduated from high school in, as well as the tiny town I currently live in are exactly the same way. I try to avoid Walmart as much as humanly possible!

Katie Lane said...

Haha I just went to walmart a few hours ago and I didn't wear a bra. I did have a large sweater on to cover that up though. I agree shopping shouldn't be a social time. Get in get your stuff and get out.

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

That's funny! I must admit, I never run into anyone I know when I'm out shopping. Thankfully. Unless I look like a wreck. Then I do.

Happy SITS Day!

Louisa Claire said...

Oh, you are cracking me up today! Wonderful! Just what I need as I sit here listening to a screaming child who just needs to go to sleeP!!!

Elaine said...

So funny! Even in a large city like Phoenix I almost always run into someone I know at our local WalMart. I can imagine how it is in a small town! LOL

Danni said...

Stopping by from Melbourne Australia, via SITS. Is Wal-mart like K-Mart? I dont know if you have K-Mart over there?

Anonymous said...

LOL That is funny! We don't have Wal-Marts in Denmark. :)

Laurel said...

Oh the joys of the local Walmart! I like the "list" - hilarious to someone else who also has a dark side:)

Diva Scrapper said...

So true, so true...Although I don't live in Texas I can attest to the fact that people really do need to put a foot forward in their appearance. I've seen people out in mismatched flip-flops, people who have obviously not brushed their hair, people of literally rolled out of bed and decided it was OK to drop their kid off at school looking like death. What is the world coming to? ROFL

Anonymous said...

LOL That is too funny! Wal-Mart is definitely the place to be seen in my part of TN. It's sometimes difficult to get through the aisles due to all the socialization taking place!

Unknown said...

My Mom lives in a small town and every summer I'd go visit...we'd run into everyone at WalMart.
But then a couple of summers ago WalMart changed into one of the new fancy ones...no one goes anymore!
Hi from Sits!

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

LOL!!!! That is toooo funny!

Happy SITS day!

(although...I have to admit- the one time we visited eastern TX -with two very small children- we asked what there was to do in the area- and we were told to go visit the Bass Pro Shop in Shreveport! Sigh. We didn't go... we found interesting things in the area instead!)

To previous poster- Wal-mart is like K-Mart but bigger and badder (it's a colossal giant)

Sandy said...

LOL! This is hilarious, yet so very true:0)

Monica said...

Goodness, that's funny! I think Walmart is the same the world over.

Heather said...

Walmart is the place to be around here too. I at least put on a bra. ;-)

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Hahaha! I love the teeth bit - and braless... who does that? Certainly I've never forgotten..oh, uh.. nevermind. :)

Your blog design is so pretty, btw, it really makes me smile.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Hilarious! We have 3 different Wal*Mart's within 30 minutes from us - and there is one that I avoid like a plague because there are certain people from my past that shop there I do not want to run into... ;) LOL! Happy SITS Day! :)

Anonymous said...

I always see people I know when I go out and shop ... and inevitably, I look like a bag lady that just walked 50 miles to get there.

Its Me(SARA) Behind the Camera said...

:) I know what you mean, I grew up in a small town and all we had is WALMART!!! So sometimes my friends and I would just hang out at WalMart! Sad huh?!?!? LOL

Melissa Papaj Photography said...

I was in Wal-Mart on Friday night around 10:00 (which is kind of late for me) and was so surprised at how many kids were just there to hang out. It was like a high school reunion or something. I always run into at least one person I know when I got to Wal-Mart, but can't name how many times I don't "freshen up" before I go.

Heather said...

I am laughing out loud!

In one month, we will have a Target to compete with our local Walmart.

I'm thinking Target will be the place to go if you've put your teeth in, and Walmart if you didn't.

Just sayin'.

Karol said...

Walmart is the place, don't cha know?! That's too funny, can't laugh too hard I believe a make 2-3 trips a week to walmart. lol..

Pamela said...

Too Funny! I refuse to go to our Walmart because it is sooooo bad. I am not just talking people with no bras on, I mean the store itself is filty. Come on, have they never heard of a floor polisher and the shelves are always empty with pallets in front of them full of stuff to go on the shelves!

BloggessJ said...

Too funny. Have a great SITS day!

Erika said...

This is too funny!! I can't go into Wal-Mart anymore because it takes forever to get out of there!

Maggie Sue Designs said...

Hmm, walmart, really? :)
~~Meredith from SITS

jewelstreet said...

lol! That's funny. Our town does a best of as well, and I often wonder how some of these places make it on the list or why there is even a best of whatever category.

Congrats on the SITS feature today!

Hccm said...

Walmart is the place to be right now, but we are getting a Target in a couple of months.

Hugs and Mocha,

Stopping by from SITS

Tiffany said...

That's funny! I used to live in a small town like that, and yes, Walmart was the place to be seen.

Unknown said...

Workout clothes are better than PJs which I sometimes wear to go shopping for groceries, luckily it is not a "hot spot" in my town.

Also... love your blog name. :-)

Sarah said...

My theory on Walmart..if I wear my pajamas when I go, i will actually fit in and not stand out. The place is a disaster in all respects!

Ryan and Katie said...

sounds like you guys need to get some more social places in your town!

mommytoalot said...

LOL..love it..
and err emm ..i'm one of the people who does not always look my best when I am at Walmart..and it never fails..i always bump into someone i know...you think i'd learn my lesson by now


LOL! Great post!

Brandy said...

And this is exactly why I don't leave the house without makeup. The one time I do will be the time that all the other parents will be at Walmart. (or Kroger or CVS or any of the other "posh" places I frequent.)

And I avoid certain people too so don't feel bad.

Lyssa said...

Happy SITS Day! Very cute post! I'm the same way with the Super Target!

What A Card said...

So funny! To see and be seen...WAL-MART. Perhaps a new advertising campaign in the works???

Anna Marie said...

Hahahaha! Hilarious...and so true about many Wal-Marts. I live in a bigger city so that isn't happening here but when I lived in a small Missouri college town it did. Hillbillies at that ther Wally World!

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Haha too funny!

I used to live in Florida and I lived about 30 mins from the beach, so some days it wasn't worth it to drive there. Anyway we had a wal mart by my house and high school. That WAS our local hang out spot.
"hey where do you want to me up"
"at the wal-mart"
"Hey what do you want to do tonight"
"Go terrorize the Wal-mart"

You get the picture.. nothing better to do.


Happy SITS day too!

Tabitha Blue said...

That is too funny! Well, I guess I'd better dress up a bit to hit the Walmart next time, never know when it'll be the social hangout here!



{leah} said...

That's funny! I try to keep my eyes to the floor and walk quikly when I'm in Walmart....especially when my kids are being extra friendly.

mommy4life said...

I always pray I don't see anyone I know at Wal-Mart. I don't want them seeing my Midol in the cart!

Jennifer said...

Hahahah!! Wal-mart?! Texas is a fun place, I just moved to Austin last June, and YES! I am haning out at WalMart at random times of the night.

Aubrey said...

OMGosh! That's good stuff. Sounds like something that would be voted the "best" in the hometown I grew up in! LOL

Barb said...

This is great.....LOL.... thanks for a great morning giggle

Susan said...

That is funny! When hubby and I were first married and had no money to do anything, "fun" for us was going to Wal-Mart and wander around... I wonder if Wal-Mart's all over the country are the "it" places?

Honey Mommy said...

Well, I will have to remember to dress more nicely the next time I head over to Wal-Mart!

Monica said...

I grew up and still live in a small town also. Wal-Mart is diffintely the place to see the eclectic mix of folk! Always laughs to be had at Wal-Mart.

Michelle said...

Yes, would it kill someone to put a bra on...especially if you are 56 EEEE? Just takes a second.

Amy said...

That is too funny! Thanks for the laugh, I'm visiting from SITS!

Jacie said...

Isn't it funny how you only notice the ugliest, nastiest people at Wal-Mart? I've never looked around and said "Wow, there are some fine looking people here." I once saw a lady in Wal-Mart who was about 300 pounds, smelled like she'd been cleaning fish, and had on a t-shirt with the Mountain Dew logo but said "Mountand Do" me instead.

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day.

I can't believe Walmart was on the list lol!

Marrdy said...

I think I understand that dark side of yours. Hiding from people. There is one person, that even after 34 years, I see her and I hide. I agree that EVERYONE should wear a bra. Totally disgusting.

Xazmin said...

So Funny! Go Walmart! Why do we look so gross when we know we'll probably see a bunch of people we know?

Amanda said...

Oh my goodness. The winery or walmart? Guess that means that hometown texas has a diverse culture. Haha

Willo said...

Ha ha ha! Walmart! Fancy!

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is hilarious. Hilarious and true for my area as well.

Rachel@just another day in paradise said...

if it weren't for that whole winery business, I would think you were talking about my town. . .

Reeni said...

That is hilarious!! I better get my butt to Wal-mart more often!

Mammatalk said...

I have never thought of Walmart as a social hot spot, but I think you may be on to something here!

Simply AnonyMom said...

Ummm...wow. Wally World is the place to see and be seen. I think that is hilarious and is a thing to make you go "say what?"

Unknown said...

Don't feel bad...it's the place to be seen in our town too, probably because there's nothing else!

Ronnica said...

Oh, that totally makes sense. Walmart is indeed the hot spot. That makes me think of my old job as a Walmart cashier as on par with a job as a waitress in the most exclusive restaurant.

Vickie said...

Oh No! Now I have to wash up and brush my teeth before I go to Walmart.

That was funny, thanks for the chuckle. Enjoy your SITS day.

kikibibi said...

OMG too funny! The hot spot in my town is "Stop & Shop." Seriously, sometimes I can't get out of there without seeing 20+ people I know!

Chandy said...

What a great post! We live in Texas, too! Very funny on the hairstylist comment; my hair has never been touched much by hairstylists, I'm their worst customer...

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

That makes me really want to put forth that effort in doing my hair before I go to Walmart instead of just combing it with my fingers thinking "Awww, nobody's gonna see me".

Anonymous said...

That's funny and I know how you feel. I always run into people at Walmart (I live in a pretty small town too).

Courtney said...

Wow, I'm glad I'm from a big town. I hate going into walmart.

Synergy Girl said...

I think going to walmart is wonderful anti-depressant medication, and deals with insecurities on a whole new level. Directions for use: Walk in to said store, look around. It is like going to the county fair...the real reason people go isn't for the food, or groceries, it is to realize that they aren't so bad off...!!! Thanks for the post!

Michelle said...

LOL! We don't do Walmart out west.....it is Target for us. :)

chellekay said...

that is too funny. I hate going to Walmart but I still go because it is a round the corner and I always see someone I know there

April said...

Very funny...I so needed this today!

Just say Julie said...

I learned that if you're a teacher and you live within your district, you must wear a bra when going to Wal-Mart. Because you will run into every student & their momma on "quick trips".

Too funny!

Amanda and Katie said...

That is so funny! I can't believe Wal-Mart made that list. And I do tend to see people that I know every time I got to Wal-Mart :)

Andrea said...

LOL! That's probably true of my little hometown, too. Happy SITS day!

Lindsey said...

Hooray for Wal Marts!! I always run into someone I know....

Sheryl said...

Watch out for the camera behind the tomato. :-)

Laura said...

Don't you always run into someone when you look your "best"?

Kimberly @ Seriously Daisies said...

It's crazy how true that is!!! And hilarious that it was published in the paper as one of the best places to be seen, lol!!!

Happy SITS day to you! :o)

Margaret said...

That sounds just like my town here in Oklahoma. Walmar is the hot spot cause it is the only spot. Going in for 1 item takes forever, because you have to talk to 10 people you know.

www.AForestFrolic.typepad.com said...

hilarious Stalker comment, hehe...and that you hide from people in Wal-Mart! Gotta do what ya gotta do right ;-)

Amy said...

That is insane! I am going to have to start hanging out at the Wal-Mart more frequently. You are so funny! You made me laugh so much. Happy Sits Day!

{amy k.} said...

comin over from SITS!

Too funny, I needed a laugh today!

Jennifer said...

LOL--maybe you should start wearing your White House outfit to Wal-Mart for those paparazzi pics!

Unknown said...

LMAO sounds like *Hometown* Arkansas
Ken always meets people he knows but OMG at the WalMart it is x 10.

Monica said...

As a fellow Texan and former Louisianaian (not sure that's a word) I totally understand this concept. I totally agree about putting our best foot forward. That's why I shop after church on Sunday...I'm already dressed and have lipstick on.

Tori C. said...

You must be from my hometown in East Texas!

Unknown said...

Hee Hee! This is hilarious!

Sara said...

Too funny! I am originally from Texas too, now living in Canada.

wenderful said...

Happy SITs Day!
Walmart, huh? That's as sad as my town here. I actually don't even think we have a single place to see and be seen. I've gotta get outta here!

Donnetta said...

HA! Hysterical - particularly the bra. Can't tell you how many times I've seen that at our Wal-Mart. Hmmm - wonder if the bras were put on more frequently after everyone knew it was "the place to be seen"!! Probably not!

Sherrie said...

LOL! Love it! And -- it never fails...if I'm not "dressed for public" that I will indeed see someone at Walmart. LOL! Happy SITS day to you!

Anonymous said...

This is hysterical! I'm from a small town too, so I guess I better start dressing up before I head to Walmart.

momma said...

you aren't the only one who's life revolves around wal-mart!

Unknown said...

Too funny! I don't shop at Walmart, but Kroger seems to serve the same purpose here. And Starbucks of course.

Rachel Ann said...

Walmart is definitely the social center of my small, small town!

Anonymous said...

This was such a cute post. Thank God my WalMart is not the place to see and be seen. I look a mess everytime I go there!
Happy SITS day!

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

Urgh. I'm more of a get in get out kind of shopper when it comes to Wal-Mart!


BlueCastle said...

Wmart is one of the "hot spots" here too. Everyone is there - especially on the weekends. :)

Leslie said...

That's hilarious, but oh, so true. One evening, I went to the gym to walk for an hour. I was the only person there. Not another soul the entire hour. Then I went to Wal-Mart and could hardly find a parking space. I had pretty much the same musings as you.

- Leslie

Anonymous said...

This is too funny! I was just at our Wal-Mart today (Thursday is my day to go to Wal-Mart). Funny because I was in there twice as long as I should've been because I was talking to various people I hadn't seen in ages. Funny because if I happen to be there on a Friday or Saturday night, I see half of the local teenagers just hanging out at the Wal-Mart. We don't have much in the line of entertainment where we live. Sad.

Sandra said...

Oh Gosh!!! That was hilarious...
the bra comment... rolling on the floor!

I can see the "twins" swinging under a t shirt... no cares in the world... lol!

L said...

Hi! Here from SITS. I laughed so hard...the bra...the teeth...so true, so true!

StylinMom said...

hey I am over from SITS...oh my did I laugh my butt off at this one...so funny...I think the same thing most days!


RuensOnTheRun said...

Happy SITS day! You are LOL hilarious!!

Michelle said...

That makes me giggle. Apparently I'm TOTALLY uncool since I've never set foot in our Wal-Mart. And bummer we don't have a local winery. But hey, at least I won't have to dress up for any paparazzi! I loved this post!

Cara said...

So funny! I live in a small town too and avoid the Walmart specifically because I run into too many people I know there! :) Or I shop on Sunday nights at 9pm when it's empty.

angie said...

You're hilarious! That's a good idea though, to dress like you might run into someone you know!

Beth said...

Very funny post! I avoid our Wal-Mart like the plague... I prefer Super Target. I also like your reasoning for wearing workout clothes... been there, done that... although I can't say I actually make it to the gym that often. :)

Jeanne Estridge said...

I once saw a woman at K-Mart in a tube top (iffy choice you're at all busty, and she was), hip hugger jeans and a livid C-section scar that could be seen from one end to the other. I think your Wal-Mart crowd is a step up the social ladder.

Jaden Paige said...

HAHA! That's hilarious!

Mommy's Wish List said...

Man am I glad I live IN Dallas where anonymity is most certainly guaranteed!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

I don't think I ever really see anyone I know in Walmart; of course, if I did, I try not to go out without my lipstick. Oh wait! I don't wear lipstick...=D

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Oh my gosh, I felt like I was back in my hometown in Pennsylvania! We have the exact same thing that runs in our paper every year. My dad has won two years in a row for Best Used Car Salesman. And oh my goodness, our Walmart would be the place to be seen. It's the hub!! We are so podunk that we even have hitchin' posts outside of the Walmart. This post was great!

April Kennedy said...

oh my gosh...that was too funny. And although Walmart scares me...it really does...they do have the best prices in town. Sorry, Target...during this economy...I have been cheating on you a little!

Unknown said...

Very funny! There are all kinds of people at WalMart at any given moment. But you will ALWAYS find someone with no bra on, someone wearing house slippers, or someone in their pajamas any time you visit there. It's a given!

Lucia said...

I always dress to the 9's when going to Costco. Same difference.


jubilee said...

Wal-Mart is the place to be here in my hometown too. Basically, because our town is so small, there is no other place to be!
When we moved here and went for our first Wal-Mart trip a family member who shall remain nameless heaved a big sigh and said, "Well, here they are: my peeps!"

Quiskaeya said...

Popping over from SITS. Wally World - ha! That's the local hang out place. Funny story!

Sarah said...

Is it sad that I frequent the 24 hour Target so that I can avoid running into people I don't really want to talk to? Hey! The workout clothes thing works too! Until they see the Swiss Cake rolls in the cart.

Rachael said...

That is hilarious. In a weird, kind of sad way.

Rae Ann said...

I swear it is a rule here in my small Texas town that every single resident must go to Wal-Mart at least once per week. It never fails that if I'm looking a little rough I will see everyone I know there.

Heth said...

I know exactly how you feel! lol It is the same way in our small town. The local paper does a poll and award ceremony... One of them was for the best Movie Theatre--- THERE IS ONLY ONE!!!! And did I mention that when my husband and I went to see a movie recently (a hot brand new box office hit I might add) we were the only ones in there? lol Sounds like the hopping place to me!

Anonymous said...

one word. sunglasses. they hide a multitude of slacker-mommy sins when your in walmart. bonus...they shield your eyes so that if you see someone you don't want to talk to before they see you, you can quickly avert your eyes and pretend you didn't see them.

this is too much information, isn't it?

i'm really a nice person. i swear.