Friday, November 13, 2009

Weekly Pic--On the Side of the Road In the Middle of Nowhere

So my friend Troy (troybradfordphotos and troybradfordiphonephotos) got the opportunity to visit Salvation Mountain on a recent trip to California. Its a really neat place and pretty powerful story, but its just this huge structure/piece of art on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. That made me think of my recent trip to Amarillo where we saw two interesting, albeit not quite as impressive, sites on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.
The Cadillac Ranch

Huge Pair of Legs/Ozymandias


Coach Wheat's Wife said...

I love the poem Ozymandias, but I think it's HILARIOUS that the Texas version is wearing athletic socks!!!

troybradfordphotos said...

Thanks for the plug on my little excursion off from the beaten path! Hope you enjoyed the video...